A coop-cloud recipe for deploying Bonfire
A coop-cloud recipe for deploying Bonfire
, 4, upstreamabra
on your computerabra server add your-server.domain.name
proxy if you haven't alreadyabra app new --secrets bonfire
abra app config your-server.domain.name
to check and edit the config (there are comments to explain the different options)abra app deploy your-server.domain.name
abra app deploy --force your-server.domain.name
On the server, try this command to see what services are starting or not: docker service ls
and this one to debug why one isn't starting: docker service ps $container_name
Go into your app's Elixir console and enter something like Bonfire.Me.make_account_only("my@email.net", "my pw")
abra app run your-server.domain.name app bin/bonfire remote